What in your life is black/white each day? Not much, maybe your decision to wear a certain shirt or drink a certain cup of coffee is, but what about the argument with your wife or children? A lot of those arguments contain good points and bad points, should Tim’s cell phone be taken a week or if he doesn’t violate the rules be given back after a few days? So why on earth are complex situations so simple? I ask this question a lot when i see people online posting a Back the Blue picture or Black Lives matter logo, both are enticing, especially to someone who used to be a police officer, been racially profiled, had a friend or family killed by a police officer, had friends or family killed in the line of duty, or helped by a police officer out of a jam. How could you not see that there could be criminals who are dangerous or cops that make bad mistakes or worse purposeful injustices. Arguing with the wife over whether or not your son or daughter’s punishment should be is gray, and so are complex interactions with the police. This notion that systemic racism exists may be a good point, but is it? How do you separate systemic racism from classism? In other words, How much of systemic racism is rooted in money, not race? And if we could somehow take race out of the equation would it even help anything?
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Political situation in the U.S.
Thursday, October 29th, 2020Current bad unemployment situation in the U.S. current thought and rambling
Friday, September 2nd, 2011All the U.S. has to do to get jobs back in the U.S. is decide to enforce U.S. law on U.S. companies for foreign workers. If some big U.S. company can’t pay .50 cents an hour and make foreign workers work inhumane hours in inhumane working conditions then there would be ALOT more jobs here, it’s plain and simple. Yeah we’d have to pay more for products but the unemployment rate would go a lot lower and people could afford the higher prices…Why can’t we admit this will never happen because big corporations wont let it? The solution isn’t to tax them to high heaven, the solution is this….Help the companies transition to it by setting up a 5 year plan to close relationships with bad factories/plants down…..Let the companies have foreign warehouses if they can justify the cost of living, but never let them justify inhumane conditions…..This is how people can get back to my work in the U.S. and also help other countries see the fault in their ways? If we can invade Iraq to promote democracy, why can’t we hel close down inhumane plants in China to promote that same democracy?
Cool/different things about London
Thursday, August 11th, 2011Here is my compilation of different and cool things about London….
The british really know how to design a subway system…It’s clean, trains come every 2 minutes, and the maps are relatively easy to read…now if only if they could play benny hill music after saying “mind the gap” then everything would be perfect.
Every pub has the same food menu, at least the food isn’t bad, especially the codfather. for those who don’t know the codfather is a giant fish and chips made of cod, you imbeciles….mind the cod
People will sit next to you when you reserve a table, pub comes from the word public so maybe they’re onto something….ya know what if the table is more than 2 parts i’m fine with this, but a one part table means a one party reserve, come on, you’re trying to half a one part table!!! Larry david would understand this completely
The british are nice for the most part, except scumbag rioters, cheers mate…actually the scumbag rioters we’ll probably be cordial right before they take your bag, like these guys
It’s more expensive then the u.s. because pounds are worth more, it isn’t cheap for your normal bloke….as much as the metric system and celsius are supposed to make sense, you have got to be shitting me that 30 degrees is hot
they don’t like Prince charles, but they do like the queen. God save the queen, especially convincing after you watch naked gun 1. In their defense, the queen/king/prince/princess b.s. does generate so much tourism that it’s worth it to have fake leaders if you can get enough suckers like me to visit your castles!
Tea is better in London…let’s face it everywhere else the world drinks a bunch of shitty tasting energy drinks but in london they still drink tea, which tastes just as good and still has caffeine….
saying brilliant after every cool or clever thing someone says is brilliant
I’m sure i’ll think of some more useless observations but for now, tally hoe
Funniest Twitter accounts…
Monday, July 11th, 2011There really isn’t anything that special about Twitter. It’s really just facebook with only status updates and you can’t friend people. What makes Twitter great is it’s simplicity. You make an account and you’re instantly given a way to follow people’s blogs/web sites/news source etc…..AND, they can follow you so you can do the same. The main use I’ve gotten out of it, if you can call it a use it’s really just screwing around, is to find funny accounts and check them out every once in awhile. And believe me, there is some really funny shit going on, on Twitter. Here is my list of some of the funniest Twitter accounts I’ve seen on Twitter. Post some comments with some of your own funny ones, as if anyone comes to the site!
Garyuncarter (formerly Garycarterraw)
TheOnion – the satirical newspaper
ApocalypseHow is the Twitter account of Rob Kutner, writer for Conan and former writer for the Daily Show. It’s consistently funny, well-written, and very active.
Hellobuglers is the Twitter account of British comedians Andy Zaltzman and John Oliver (also of Daily Show fame), who host a brilliant podcast called The Bugle, an “audio newspaper for a visual world.”
SteveMartinToGo Steve Martin. ‘Nuff said.
Phillies beating trial expected 9/12/11
Wednesday, July 6th, 2011Remember the Phillies beating that left David Sale, a Lansdale man dead in 2009? Yeah well with some digging on the internet I found out that the trial begins 9/12/11 in Center City Philly. It was tough to find it to because it looks like the courts misspelled one of the alleged assailants, Francis’s Kirchner’s name Fiancis, possibly on purpose to hide the court docs? Here’s the link to the case here. In one of the most violent acts down at Citizen’s Bank Park, Sale was allegedly attacked back in July 2009 by 3 or more men (James Groves, Charles Bowers and Francis Kirchner or Kirshner). To make it even worse the 3 men are all Philadelphia natives and supposedly Kirshner was the most violent, so he got slapped the 1st degree charge). I’m interested to see what will happen in this trial and what kind of arguments the defense can make. As a regular Philly guy I’ve seen my share of bar incidents and drunken incidents which usually end in some punches thrown, but this was just ridiculous and I think a real wake up call for phillies fans, law enforcement at the stadiums, and probably the Phillies security too. A fight breaking out and a few people with black eyes is one thing, but, for there to be a full out worse than Rodney King/Reginald Denny beating going pretty much unnoticed is ludicrous. My heart goes out to David Sale’s family and friends and here’s hoping none of this ever happens again at a Phillies game. To be fair to the cops and Phillies security it’s a huge area to cover down there and there are a ton of people down there because pretty much every game is sold out. The best advice i could give anyone is if you see someone getting hit get a police officer there as soon as you can and if you feel you can help by yelling or getting any kind of security do that too
Wednesday, June 29th, 2011Inception is a great movie, i can’t stop watching it on HBO. Amazing if stuff like that becomes a reality. Our lives would change forever and addictions and other things could possibly be cured. Maybe it already is a reality, DUN DUN DUN
Great script to grab Facebook fans off your fan page updated 7/22/11
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011Here is a great piece of javascript code that will grab all of the Facebook fans off your fan page. This really comes in handy if you have more than say 200 fans on your fan page. What you do to make the script work is:
2.) click on the wrench in the top right then click on tools -> javascript console
4.) now click on scripts in the javascript console and cut and paste the script from the above link then hit enter
5.) tadah…the script will now start spitting on the names of all your fans
also, if you have more than 1000 fans you want to change this in the script before you copy and paste it
Funny animated GIFs
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011I took some time and tried to compile some of the funniest animated gifs from a post on reddit…..i changed a lot of the text so you know what you’re clicking on…I figured i’d share these with people…these are great….
No, while someone’s making a dumb point
phone conversation
Speechless – This one comes in handy on Facebook quite often
have the weirdest boner right now
Gravity somewhat NSFW
in general
Saiyan – Mike Phelps Edition
love Cocaine or Cocaine’s a helluva drug
you see them, now you don’t
get that away from me or holy shit
get that weak shit outta here…
Let’s get the hell outta here… or i’m getting the hell outta here…
i’m getting the hell outta here part 2
let’s get our drink/groove on…
you don’t want to piss me/him/her off
Wowee Zowee kapew kapew pew awesome /
in other news…
Friday, June 24th, 2011God has decided after long deliberations not to answer the prayers of football players after games, only during the 3rd quarter 4th and 1