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PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:30 pm    Post subject: ticket scalping

it's a bunch of pr bs, big deal brokers are speculating on them because they know they're going to be able to get some of them (the ga tickets). I'll say it once and I'll say it again, if there were no brokers buying these tickets then people would have to pay a lot more money to get them and what they'd sell out in 3 minutes instead of 2 minutes? It's simple supply and demand, if there are 500 tickets on the market then the prices are more stable then if there are 300 etc.....

The other thing is without brokers, fans would have to rely on individuals to get the tickets and what happens if they're fake, no way are they getting their money back etc...

Another point is about the Eagles themselves.

The Eagles themselves have $275 tailgate package tickets online right here

oh but it's not scalping because they include a buffett worth every bit of $10.99 before the game

and also $1000 tickets on the 50 yard line here

that you may get meet and greets with worth every bit of $59.99

now that's a poisoning the well argument but only if the Eagles aren't the ones complaining about it and the NFL is letting the Eagles do it so why not some healthy competition?

Also if the NFL or the Eagles really wanted to prevent the scalping of these they could have restricted the sale to PA, NJ, DE and then also made it WILL CALL only, two things they didn't do....because it costs them money and the frustration of having all those people waiting in line etc...
Cunty McJagoff
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:29 pm    Post subject: Ticket scalping bastards...

You make a wonderful contribution to society, Quinn.

Courtesy of


The Philadelphia Eagles recently announced that the team will be selling 1,500 standing-room only tickets to Sunday's home opener against the Giants. The tickets will go on sale on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. EDT, for $50 each.

But even though the seats have not yet been offered up for sale, on-line ticket brokers (including the Eagles' official "Fan2Fan" ticket exchange service, are selling the seats.

On RazorGator, the tickets were going for $175 each -- a healthy 250 percent markup. (We took a screen shot of the page. The link has since been revised to change the "SRO" seats to "GA".)

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