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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:04 pm    Post subject: 10 Commandments

HEAR THIS: The 11th Commandment!

Thou shall not bear false witness against thy Left-Centerfielder!"

Good Luck Moon! I got a 10 dimes bet with Abraham that you guys can re-peat!
Virgin Mary
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:00 pm    Post subject:

You guys just popped your cherry last year by winning your first title! I wouldn't know what that feels like obviously because of the fact that I was immaculately concepted! But, don't you worry boys. My only son will have another big season for guys! I love the way he turns water into wine and a clown softball team into champions! He's a great Left-Centerfielder!
Holy Spirit
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:54 pm    Post subject: I agree!

I agree with my other 2 members of the Holy Trinity! No team could be considered "basic" with the Lord's son maning the left-center portion of the outfield! GO MOON!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:51 pm    Post subject: Basic?

Basic? I wouldn't call any team that has Jesus playing LCF basic!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:55 pm    Post subject: SPRING TRAINING!!!!

As a player already enshrined in the softball HOF class of 98 I dont think I'LL require any tune-ups...Kindly just place my line-drive base hit to RC magic wand in a position to best help squad...It goes without saying the area around home-plate will again be off limits on plays at the plate..Looking foward to mixing it up with my homies!!!!

PS--who are we picking up if anyone for spring team????PLEASE tell me were not the same basic team as last year....YIKES!!!!
Smitty Coach
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:07 pm    Post subject: Pre-Season Update

Per my conversation with the esteemed manager of Full Moon 2 softball, Keith Patterson, he plans on having a best of three game series with full moon softball one and then returning for a beef and beer. In a shocking development, he has actually gone a step further and even called umpires to officiate the game...The date is March 24th the exact date of the upper darby tournament, so I actually like Keith's idea very much. Also not in the tradition of laziness and clowness, which our team can accredited for, I suggest a March 17th or March 18th practice/ hit around to get us coming into the game ready to play..everyone's thoughts??

Tickets for the beef and beer are at a discounted $25 each and you have to sell five a man! (we need bats so come on!!)

**I want to make my joke regarding ticket prices and what they include so the rest of the text from here-on-out is a joke.

The beef and beer tickets actually include sprite, coke, tomato juice, and pineapple juice plus unlimited bar nuts and combos (yay me) so tell your friends and the pack the bar so that the bar owner who we play for and provide thousands upon thousands of dollars in profit can give us a little less. Keith has also insured me that the proceeds will go towards purchasing our third bat, a used Easton purchased from Rich Goodconnect out his 1987 hyundia which was used in the last game that Cassidy actually pitched in back in 1991. Keith and Dennis, I thank you in advance for your devotion and dedication to the only good thing to come out of the last bar on Castor.... Oh, and I determined it to be the last bar in Castor by weighing the following:

You pay way too much for beers
There hasn't been a girl in there since Girl Scouts tried to sell cookies in 2002
The Girl Scouts actually were served beers
The Circle Club is actually located on Castor along with Longshots and All Access (The worst sports bar in history) and now that I am on the topic if All Access or jokers was a softball team it would be Full Moon 1 or a week of Full Moon 2 when Tony, Ballsout, Yank, Dob, and Gene all showed up!

all equals the last theoretical and geographical bar on Castor
Jeff Spicolli
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:21 pm    Post subject: Mr.Hand's Remedial English Class

Son when did Father Judge start graduating people of your intelligence?I son have tipped back a few in my day so I cant except your blatant alcohol dependency for your child like gibberish...To address your fri-sat. drinking is giving to much credit to softball!!!You lad are drunk for football,b-ball shit boy your drunk watching figure skating for crying out loud...Your post softball coaching career seems to be taking off as well..0-12 Have the DUKE'S,N.Carolina's ,UCLA's starting inquiring about you yet?Its only a matter of time.. GO SWENSON!!!!!
k wolf drunken bastard
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:11 pm    Post subject:

Yea I am in for the tourny!!!!!! It will get me back into softball mode of going out Friday and Saturday night, get retarded and then show up for softball!!!!!!!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J. Wolf
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:49 am    Post subject: great ideas!

Yo Smitty! That #10 ranking is such a joke. If I were making a list, you would definitely be in my top 5 or 6. Maybe whoever made that list didn’t notice your 8 for 9 hitting performance in the 3-game championship series! Anyway, I love your idea to play in some pre-season tournaments. And I’m sure we could get everybody from our team to play (with the exception of Johnny Mac). The Upper Darby one should be a definite. I’m in for the Jersey one too! I can never get too much softball! So, get all the info you can and post on here! Then, we can get in touch with our pathetic manager, Keith, and get things rolling! (Maybe if we play in a couple pre-season tourneys, we could get off to a good start in our regular league games!)
Smitty Coach
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:15 am    Post subject: also

I actually found an early bird tournament on March 24th in upper darby so we should definetely play in that..thoughts??
Smitty Coach
PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:10 am    Post subject: Lets play then

Eventhough I would love to go on and on about my 10 ranking, I would rather just hit in the clutch as I do everytime... But on a very serious note I have some business to discuss:

#1 phillies open please post to quinn'y post and let us know if you would like to be counted in..always a good time

#2 I was wondering if everyone (or at least some) would like to get in a early spring tournament around Mar. 24th that is in jersey about 1hr and half away... Can be a good time

#3 I was also interested in putting together a team to play in a Wildwood tourney this summer and also to see who would be in for that ..that would replace my usual fishing trip weekend where we can all stay over and have a good time....

#4 I still hate mostly all of you for never saying a king word but would appreciate a response to these proposals

Thank you!
Peter Gammons
PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:20 pm    Post subject: Full Moom Top 10 revised

1a. Quinn
Peter Gammons
PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:29 pm    Post subject: TOP 10 FULL MOON PLAYERS

This will be the official ranking of the Top 10 players on the 2006 Champion Full Moon Softball Team. This was a very difficult task, because the team is filled with so many wonderfully talent players. And, I know there will be much debate concerning my selections and reasoning, which is fine. But I did my best to keep the list completely objective & unbiased. So, here we go:

10.) [b]Matt Smith [/b]– He is a very good hitter, who has the ability to get a base hit or crush a 3-run homer. Sometimes lacks consistency at the plate, but usually delivers in clutch situations. Vast criticism about his fielding is somewhat unwarranted, but this is an aspect that he must improve. His main flaw is confidence. If he makes a mistake at the plate or in the field, he has a tough time getting over it. And this compounds itself into more mistakes.
9.) [b]Mike DeNofa [/b]– The most consistent fielding infielder on the team. He makes almost every play at the hot corner and his throws are almost always on target. A good hitter, but can disappear for games at a time. But when he’s on, hits for good power and average. Also, no real speed or quickness limits his range at third and his baserunning.
8.) [b]John Greenwald [/b]– A fantastic contact hitter, with maybe the best pure softball swing on the team. He can be counted on time after time to get a big hit in a clutch situation. Definitely the team’s best fielding catcher, but his defensive versatility is lacking. He has lost a step or two over the years, which limits his ability to play any other position on the field. But, his great veteran leadership and sense of humor helps keep the team loose in tight situations.
7.) [b]Kevin Wolf [/b]– At times, he can look like the best player on the team. And at other times, one of the worst. K. Wolf is an enigma. You never know what you’re gonna get. Has a very strong arm & good speed. Has the ability to hit the ball a mile, and hit a beautiful line-drive double. But, lacks discipline at the plate. Is a sucker for high pitches. Also, his skills are severely hindered by his Saturday night drinking habits.
6.) [b]Glea[/b] – Probably the team’s best all around hitter. He is very good at hitting the ball to the opposite field, where most teams put their worst fielders. Fantastic line-drive swing makes him a threat to hit a double or a homerun every time he steps to the plate. His main flaw is his lack of speed & throwing power. He is a defensive liability in the outfield. However, he is a pretty good defensive first basemen.
5.) [b]Johnny Mac [/b]– His potential is limitless. Can do anything & everything on a softball diamond. He hits for power & average, and can go to opposite field almost as well as Glea. His main downfall is his motivation and seriousness. He tends to lose interest and becomes lackadaisical. And he doesn’t seem to care if he or the team win or lose.
4.) [b]Mike Braun [/b]– A phenomenal all-around athlete. Ridiculous speed & quickness, which enables him to cover a crazy amount of ground in the outfield. A very good top of the lineup, singles hitter. And with his speed, he can turn a lot of these singles into doubles. Not a real power threat. Also, has a so-so arm, but makes up for it with great throwing fundamentals.
3.) [b]Jim Cassidy [/b]– The most intelligent baseball/softball mind on the team. An extremely strong and accurate throwing arm. And he covers more ground in the outfield than his weight would suggest. Has a picture-perfect, beautiful level swing. Mostly a doubles hitter, with some power to the alleys. Also, a big-time clutch hitter. His main flaw is his motivation. At times, he can become bored and lazy.
2.) [b]Juddy[/b] – Phenomenal all-around skills. Can literally play any position on the field. Hits fantastically for average and power. Is one of the fastest players on the team. And his knowledge of the game is second only to Cassidy. His main flaw is decision-making. Extremely confident, he feels he can make any play at any time, which sometimes causes him to make costly errors.
1.) [b]Joe Wolf [/b]– Is maybe the strongest & fastest player on the team (a very unique combination). And easily has the most fire and intensity on the squad. He absolutely hates to lose. Can cover 2 outfield positions single-handily. Nobody gives up their body for more balls than him. And like Juddy, could play any position on the field. Can hit equally & exceptionally well for power and average. His skills are limitless! His main downfall is his temper.

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