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PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:01 pm    Post subject: SPRING TRAINING!!!!

The goal for 2007 as with any year is CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!!! Sure a pitcher who threw strikes B4 3-0 counts would be nice or a r.c.fielder who could catch as many balls a week as HAPPYHOURS could help ...Perhaps something silly like a RIGHTHANDED 3rd baseman who can actually field or hit the 1st baseman when he actually miraculously cathches it would be sweet....But at least we start with a ALL-CENTURY cather and a young man in leftcenter who aspires to fill in when that legend finally calls it a career...Tender thoughts:Steve Jeltz
Fat Jack
PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:46 am    Post subject: Spring Training

When is the offical date for 1st day of spring training???? This is so I can make time to whip you guys back into shape (me included) and go for a repeat!!!!!!!!! You guys see what happens when your sponsered by ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quinny, don't be late this year or your gonna owe me 2 cases and a bottle of blackberry!!!!!!!!!

Smitty, stop bitching at everyone and come out and show them up!!!!!!!!

What are the team goals for this year??????

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